Saturday, August 23, 2008


Love story... Ahahaha~ Just the title i myself felt blurred.
Guess why i wanted to write this post?
Hehe... supposed everyone can't guess why. Even i don't understand why...
It was yesterday, i was bored out at home... So i decided to sort out the DVD that were piling up on the TV. ( My bro and my Dad don't keep the disc after watching it, sometimes is really annoying. ) So, i decided to tidy it up... But, while arranging it halfway, i saw a DVD... it is a drama... Forgotten the name, but is Hong Kong drama... So, since i am bored, i decided to turn on the TV and watch it. LOLS... i don't watch drama much... This is like out of the blue... XD
It is... LoLs... The start was nice... it is about a love story... Let me address the guy as A and the girl as B. A and B had a nice time together, but due to some economic crisis, B's family decided to leave and go to another place. So, A and B are forced to part. Funny thing is... They still post letters to each other. Even until the day they die... Their grandchildren, took up their last letter... and decided to look up each other... A's grandchild, a, looked up B's grandchild, b. So... This 2 youngster... being very... "rude", they opened their grandparents' letters. Oh, by the way, A and B are seperated, and they have no idea who died first... lols... and, being such a coincidence, they 2 died almost at the same time... a and b read thier letters, knowing what happened to their grandparents... so touching...
Unbelievable... Where got drama so short one??? so i fast forward... =.=
U know what... i just found out that this DVD is a series of Love story... I stop watching on the 3rd. As it is too... sad... i feel rather sad and agitated while watching the 3rd one. LoLs...
The guy was so nice to his GF, yet, she wanted to try to find whether he is having another affair with other girl. She hired a detective, more like a spy, to spy on her bf... he is so nice a guy, he got the kind heart, that he help almost everyone that needed help. He is almost perfect... Yet, she still can't believe that he is so good. LoLs... This one, makes me feels like, a guy being too good is bad. LOLS... She kept on spying him... hoping he will one day make a mistake, so she can break up with him... =.=''' like this also can HO? ANGRY~ SAD... My emotions was like triggered... i feel a sudden crash of personality... so... haven't even finished the 3rd series, i off it. LOLS...
I would like to know, what is love?
Many people claim that they know... I questioned their knowledge of Love. It is just not possible to understand Love so easily. I think me myself is totally blurred... I had a GF. But, i feel, i am not doing what i am supposed to do; i am not doing what i must do...
Sadly, if i keep on figuring this problem out, i will break down again. That is for sure. So, it is always better for me to just let it be. Time will tell me what is what. Right? ^^

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