Monday, August 18, 2008

I Graduated CAT!!!

~Congratulate me!!! Haha~
It was supposed to be yesterday, i woke up in the morning, worrying that it will be the day my result came out. But as usual, as now is my bro's holiday, he ask me to play games with him. So~ we had some game... As i told myself, if i failed any of the papers, i will quit games. That is a God DAMN promise i made. A gamer like me, making such a promise is like sending myself to hell... LOLS...
Anyway, Later around 12... my friend, Daniel, SmSed me and told me that the result is now release. So... i hesitated... Thinking, should i go for it now or watch it later or tomorrow. But, my curiosity urge me to look right away. Sooo~~~~ i keyed in my ACCA id and password...
heartbeat time...
TADA~~~ I passed 3 papers. Although is not high marks, 6x, 6x and 5x... i still feel happy. U know, just able to pass is a relief to me. I was so worried i will fail back then. Why? Because, my paper 10, that is getting only 50, is really bad. i Had a hard time doing it in the examination hall that time. LOLS... lucky~ i passed it. And lucky, 10 marks above... if take it again this December, will also just passed. Cause i heard, now the standard had increased to 50 marks to just pass. LOLS... Lucky me... Hahaha... happy happy... i am now a CAT graduate. ^^
Congratulations to me... ^^
Watching the result at home do had a little disappointment... Nobody gratz me. But it is ok... ^^
ok now... Need to get off... Although passed CAT, now got ACCA to handle... it is a lot more harder. Gambateh neh!

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