Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rough Sea

Life is like a boat.
When we were young, we are floating on the river. It is easy for us to find a place to stop for some rest and repair.
Soon, we got fed up with the small place to play. So, we leave the river and went into a bigger river. On the way, there were jetties and land nearby. The current is slow and steady. Some, may faces fast current due to the rain, some may just stay the same.
The older we get, the bigger boat we have. We starts to wonder what is out there. So, we go further. Out into the straits. Straits are protected by the strong winds. We find a place to land when we get tired. But none the less, the journey doesn't end.
Now we were growing older. The boat have become a little bigger. So grow, some don't. This will need to depend on the users, us. How much we learn and how much stronger we made ourselves.
Time for the open sea. When we were out in the open sea, there is no place to rest. No jetties nearby. What to do? Hang in there... Some, may abandon boat. Some, may just cling on. Some, didn't go far, just stay near the starting point to keep safe. But none the less, everyone have to learn so we can survive the open sea. Waves... thunderstorm... Those who learn and grow their ships, will be stronger therefore staying alive is more easy. But a small boat, can also survive. As long as you try. It maybe hard, but it is possible. After the storm, is the calm sea. Then it is time to self repair your tiny boat and look for a harbor or Jetty to stop for improvement.
Life goes on...
Until your boat is old, rusty. Then it is time... But i believe, for such a long time. Destination, your dream, can however be achieved. Even if you didn't, as long as you tried, it is enough a memory to reminisce...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Untitled... Because i have no idea what to name it yet.

Sometimes what you see,
you think it's everything.
Sometimes what you see,
may not be anything.
When and where will facts and truth come true?

When you believe,
facts and truth exist.
When people believe,
everything subsist.

Fact is Fact,
but none is real.
Because we believe,
they exist.

Discover this,
found out that,
scientists discover the facts.
If none believe,
facts never become facts.

Man can't fly,
but man believe.
So man flies,
dreams no longer are dreams!