Sunday, September 19, 2010

Special Edition

I had been posting in English all these while... and i thought... Hey, why not try to post something in Chinese? LOL?

是我这次想谈的话题。从出生,成长,死亡。过程各有不同。就是因为这个不同,让人们觉得不公平。很奇怪的是,人类们只比较自己缺少的那部分,从来都不比较自己拥有的。更可笑的是,人类还找借口。。。“满足是成功的阻碍。” 但是又创造了 “知足常乐”。那又有多少人真正了解 “知足常乐” 这四个字呢?
我看见每个人的心都有个黑点。或许,这黑点就是所谓的 “不满”。只要是人类,都有着这个缺点。这也是所有罪的祸根。人说,“我知道什么是满足。我觉得现在的我很满足了。” 同时,又在背后唉声叹气,怨天尤人。一句 “不公平” 足以显示出人心的不满。。。
苦行,苦行。。。其实并不苦。真正的意义是和大自然融合为一。接受一切。不去作比较。在不存在和存在之间,找到个平衡点。。。或许这智慧很高深吧。要得到这种智慧需要大量的静修和静思, 更需要恒心去面对所有发生的事,快乐的,不快乐的。。。 都要一一面对。面对多了,自然就体会到了。人类都因为害怕失败,而不去面对。这样是无法成长的哦。很多人还不愿接受自己的错,遇到困难就逃避,遇到不顺就怨天怨人。。。
照照镜子吧~ 所有发生的事都是自己一手创造的。天灾躲不过,人祸可避免。就算发生了,也可以积极面对啊!
比较比较。人比人气死人。别跟别人比,跟自己比。每天照照镜子,跟镜子说,“我要比你还要好一点!” 只要每天都比昨天的自己好一点,成长就是无限的。无限是不是无敌?或许吧。。。在不和别人比较的时候,快乐自然就出现了。自己找找看吧。加油!

will be the topic i would like to discuss. From being born, growing up, until death. Everyone have their difference. Because of this Difference, human feels unjust. Funny thing is, human only compare what they don't have with what others have and never compare what they have with what others don't have. They even find excuses, saying "Satisfaction is the enemy of success." However, human also have a saying, "Contentment is the key to happiness". How many people actually live by this saying???
I saw a dark spot in everyone's heart. Perhaps, this is the GREED of human. Every human are haunted by this Sin. Some may deny and say, "i know what is contentment and i am satisfied with what i have now." On the other hand, he or she feels depress and disappointed, blaming God, blaming others for what happen to them. A single saying, "Not Fair" is enough to show their greed.
Ascetic. Some people practise this to understand life better. Ascetic is not actually that bad. It is just to merge with Nature and understand life better. Not to compare, accept changes and adjust yourselves to meet the changes. Look for a balance in between existence and non-existence. This require lots of meditation to understand. Besides, facing problems, sadness, happiness... treat all as one. Face them with courage. This is how you grow. Fear to face failure makes people weak. Whenever they meet problems, they choose to run instead of facing it. That will not make you grow.
Look into the mirror. Tell yourselves. You can't control what is happening around you but you can control what is happening to you!
Comparing is a bad practice. Business wise, comparing can be done. When it comes to human. Comparing with others is the cause of hatred. Don't compare with others. Compare with yourselves. Have you ever think that if one day, your competition ran off, or your competition stop growing, you also stop growing? There is a limit to growth here. Why not make it INFINITE? Compare with yourself. Look into the mirror daily and said, "Hey there, i wanna be better than you!" If you can be better than yourself yesterday, you are a better man. None the less, you did it daily! That makes you a totally better person everyday!!! When growth is INFINITE, isn't that just INVINCIBLE? Look this up yourself. Good Luck!

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