My mind, besides spending all my energy on preparing my exam, something also came to my mind. Why we study so hard for? Knowledge? Why want knowledge? To know all? Or? to get a good job, having a good pay? Pay? money??? So, why want money? Life!!! No money, no life. Is this the real fact? LOL! Perhaps, what we are all chasing, is wrong. Wealth. Bill Gates is the most wealthy person? I don't think so. I can too be the most wealthy person. How? So, you think i aim to earn more money than Bill Gates? Nope. I just need to learn to be fulfilled by what i have now. It came to me...
The wealth Equation
Wealth = Happiness/Value of $ needed to be fulfill*Highest value of Donation*Value of $ currently ownSince happiness cannot be measured, it will be replaced by a constant, 1. Fill in the Value that you can fill in. However, human tend to deceive themselves. So, no one gets to have the correct answer for themselves. Perhaps you think u can be truthful to yourself. Just do it. By the way, the value of $ needed to feel fulfilled means that the total value of money you needed, which includes houses, cars, phones, computers, foods, and all materials that can measured by $.
Assume i wanted 1 million dollars and the highest value of donation is 100 dollars and currently i have 100 thousand dollars. My wealth is only 10 dollars. LOL!
Assume Bill Gates wanted 1 billion dollars and he is willing to donate all his money he own now and assume he currently have 100million (of which he have billions in reality), he equation turns out to be 10millions! See how wealthy is him? If he is a scrooge, not willing to donate, the wealth will reduce.
important! is the value u needed. The lower the value, the wealthier you will be. Perhaps, when money does not exist, everyone can be wealthy. ^^